In the last 5 years, Geraci Law has recovered over 20 Million dollars for Geraci Law clients due to harm. Geraci Law L.L.C. has accepted various claims, requiring recovery, for Geraci Law clients. Some cases are smaller than others, but these settlements are indicative of the services Geraci Law provides their clients. The cases have ranged from basic worker’s compensation claims to complex birth injury cases and even cases involving medical procedures gone wrong.
Geraci Law accepts Personal Injury Cases, Worker’s Compensation Cases, Birth Injury Cases, and Medical Malpractice Claims. If you have a claims and need a lawyer, dial 1-800-CALL-PFG to speak to a counselor.
Mario Arreola, Peter Francis Geraci, and Frank Hernandez. Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Attorneys.
Ready to get started? Call us, or set your appointment online now.