Stop Mailing
If you are client, use ClientCorner or call us to be removed. If you received a direct mail advertisement, you can:
- Call us toll-free, weekdays, with the mailer in front of you and say, "I want to be removed from mailing." Give us the mailer code on the mailer so we can remove the correct person from our database.
- Mail the advertisement to us at: 55 E. Monroe St., #3400, Chicago, IL 60603. Or, mail to the return address on the envelope and mark outside of envelope, "remove mailing".
- Fax Write "remove" on the advertisement and fax it to 312-332-1806.
- Email a picture of the mailer that shows both the mailer code and address to help(at)geracilaw(dot)com. Put "remove" in the subject line.
Removal is instant. Sometimes errors happen so don’t get excited, just call so we can take care of it and stop mailing, and save the postage for folks that appreciate it! Some correspondences are computerized and a computer error may occur. If you continue to receive a correspondence such as mail, email, newsletters, messages, call us at 888-456-1972 and ask to speak to a supervisor so you can help us identify the problem if all contact does not stop.